Hair Tutorial // Messy Fishtail Pony

It's officially feeling like sweater weather out here. The past few days have felt really nice with breezy afternoons and chilly nights. Last year I got really into scarves and can't wait to pull out some chunky knit ones soon. For some reason with a scarf, I find that I actually like wearing my hair up or pulled away from my face...cue in a messy fishtail pony, way better than your average pony.
 1. Pull hair into a high pony. When going for a messy look, I like to flip my hair over and pull it into a pony so that it doesn't look too neat.
2. Separate pony into two sections and start to braid your hair into a fishtail.
3. Once your pony is fully braided, pull at it to make it messy. You can even use a hairbrush to roughen it up. 
xoxo erica

Hair Tutorial // Bubble Topsy Tail

 Every Thursday Chris and I play softball in a co-ed league with a team made up of his family and my brother. I really try to avoid wearing my hair in a pony tail because of my little baby hairs that fly up when my hair is pulled back. I usually wear my hair in a braid of some sorts and just pin back any loose hairs. Last week I tried out this hairstyle and really liked the look of it. The tightened topsy tail kind of reminds me of a fishtail braid but different, if that makes any sense? Anyway,  I thought I would share. It's quick and easy so give it a try this weekend.
 Pull hair to one side and loosely rubber band.
Place another rubber band about 2 inches down from first rubber band to create the first "bubble".
Start doing a topsy tail by splitting hair into two sections.
Pull hair through the hole. 
 Pull on hair to tighten your topsy tail.
Rubber band hair a little further down again and repeat steps.
 Keep going until you have a bunch of bubbles.
xoxo erica

Hair Tutorial // Half Up Top Knot

One of my favorite instagramers has been rocking this half up top knot look lately. It looked so great on her that I decided I needed to give it a try. I haven't worn my hair in a half up half down look in forever but this hairstyle is definitely fun enough to keep wearing it again.
 1. Pull up section of hair that you want to top knot.
2. Twist your hair around your index finger forming a bun.
3. Rubber band over your bun.
All done...easy peasy :)
xoxo erica