Oh Hey There 2018

Hello Happy 2018. Its the first post of the year so I thought I would share my goals here on the blog. I know its already half way through January but better late than never right? I only have two goals that I want to focus on this year but one of them is pretty broad.

My first and main goal is to focus on better self care. Eat better, drink more water before and while drinking, learn how to do my make up better, do yoga once a week, get more sleep, mediate every now and then, overall just be better to myself and focus on what's good for me.

My second goal is to post more often on this blog. I started blogging years ago...my first post ever in the blogging world was April 3, 2009. Almost nine years ago. After doing my first blog for two years, I went on to my second and did that one for almost five years. Our wifi company that we had at the time closed down and no one else offered internet where I lived...out in the country. I would go to Starbucks or the library and post that way but somewhere along the way I just stopped posting. For so long I said I was going to make a new blog and then I finally did...this one! I haven't posted the way I thought I would but I love blogging so I want to get back into it. 

I feel pretty good about my goals...last year I gave up beer for a year. Now to be clear, I did still drink. I didn't give up alcohol so I would just have margaritas, whiskey, or vodka. 2017 was simply a "year without a beer". Halfway through the year I did find some spike sparkling water that I happened to love...it was really low in sugars which was something I was looking for. If you knew me personally than you know that I would always drink beer and a lot of it. I hadn't really thought about giving it up but on January 1st last year I woke up and decided to do it...and I made it through the whole year without drinking a beer. I actually just had my first one 3 days ago. I could drink it but the first few sips were pretty awful lol 

So there you go...My 2018 goals are out there in the world! Cheers to a Happy New Year!

xo Erica