Girl Talk // Tips on Sticking With a Workout Plan

Do you have the habit of going at a workout plan real strong in the beginning only to find yourself about two weeks later back in a slump? Yeah, that used to be me too. Lately Chris and I have been keeping up with working out consistently for the past 2 1/2 months. What?! Yeah, people we got this!
// Document It //
        -Take before and after photos. If you have a goal such as toning up or losing weight, I think it's a good idea to take these kind of photos. It doesn't matter if you hang them up on your wall or keep them locked away on your phone, but at least you have something you can look back at to see your progress.
 -Keep a journal. Whether you write it down or keep a photograph journal on instagram, this keeps you feeling accountable. Be honest on this, if you are documenting your meals...write it all down, even if you slip up. Sometimes if you didn't realize how often you grab fast food, writing it down or taking photos of your meals can really open your eyes and put you back on a healthy track. Even with your workouts, keeping a journal is a great way to chart your progress. Maybe before all you were doing was walking your miles but now you are running! Great job and keep it up!
// Find a Workout Partner // 
     -Get a workout buddy. I think this has made me and Chris successful with sticking with our workout plan because we keep each other motivated and push one another. If one of us feels like skipping out, the other one is there saying, "Come on, gym time....let's do got this" Something along those lines. Just help each other keep pushing forward.
     -Someone you can text, talk, and occasionally work out with. Sometimes, all it takes is someone to say, "hey, did you get your workout in this morning?"  Everyone has different schedules and going to the gym together everyday just doesn't work out. It doesn't mean you can't help keep each other motivated and accountable.
 -Join a community. I do Tone it Up and I love it! The tone it up community is filled with other women who motivate and push each other to complete workouts, eat healthy, and feel great about themselves. I participate mainly through instagram...I just have a separate instagram account. Any of you girls TIU girls? Let me know your insta in the comments so we can follow each other. Being able to see all the other girls getting their workouts done and sticking to a healthy nutrition plan really motivates me. If they can do it, then I can do it too.
// Make a Motivation Board //
     -Cut out or print out pictures and put it up on a poster board. Make a pinterest board. Either way, I think this is great to have something visual that you want to work towards. Put motiviational quotes on there as well to remind yourself that you can do it even when you are feeling not so into working out.
// Set Goals and Reward Yourself //
     -Set small weekly goals that will keep you pushing to your ultimate goal. When you hit those, reward yourself with something like a fresh manicure or new heels. Just make hitting the challenges fun and reward yourself with something that's going to make you feel amazing.
// Make it Easy on Yourself //
     - Prep to workout. Set aside a gym bag with all your workout essentials and leave it in the car that way you have no excuse to hit the gym after work. If you plan on working out at home, keep the gym bag in a designated spot in your room...just stay prepared.
     -If you want to get in morning workouts, try sleeping in your workout clothes. When you wake up in the morning, all you have to do is get out of the bed. I know those Victoria's Secret yoga pants are so comfortable to lounge around in, but put them to some good use and work out in them too.
      -Make a workout schedule and hang it some place where you will see it daily. It's like keeping an agenda. If you already write it into your schedule, you will most likely try to keep a part of your day.
Do you have any tips on sticking with a workout? Leave them in the comments below.
xoxo erica

Girl Talk // Red Lipstick

I think almost every girl has one good tube of red lipstick.. For me, red lipstick is all about confidence and having fun. It's pretty much a secret weapon to instantly take you from a blah kind of day to feeling amazing kind of day. I've been wearing red lipstick for years and wanted to share my current favorites with you...just a little girl talk.
1. Sephora Rouge // i love this one because it's a darker red which is nice compared to all my other bright reds. this is actually the color I wore on my wedding day so it has a special place in my heart. every time i put it on, it reminds me of all the good memories from that day.
2. MAC Ruby Woo // this is my favorite red. like ever. and to me it smells like cake batter...yum, so yeah I just checked all the other lip colors and this one smells the best lol. anyhow this one is more of a matte lipstick and is really long lasting on it.
3. Urban Decay F-Bomb // i was completely surprised when chris bought me this lipstick as a gift. He's not crazy about red, but he knows i love it, so I was really happy when he gave it to me. this lipstick goes on like butter and is super moisturizing...i think chris did a good job on getting this one.
4. Maybelline Red Revival // this one is a long time favorite...i wore this one all the time in between the time i lost my ruby woo and bought a new one. when i run out, i always go back for more...this is actually my third tube.
Are you wearing your favorite red today? Do share what your favorites are.

xoxo erica