Gimmie What I Want // October Wish List

Luxurious looking lace, embossed gold oxfords, and eye catching faux furs...payday can't come any faster. I've been trying to buy a gift here and there for family to get an early start on Christmas shopping. Yes, I'm already thinking about Christmas and my favorite holiday hasn't even passed yet! I suppose though an early gift to myself won't hurt. 

xoxo erica

Gimmie What I Want // September Wish List

Now that California is right around the corner, I've been trying to think of what I'll be packing with me. I think traveling is always a fun excuse to go shopping even if I don't really need anything new. These are some of my current favorite finds online. Actually I just showed Chris this dress and he said I should definitely buy it. When the husband approves of wish list items, you don't hesitate, so excuse me while I go make that pretty thing mine. Feels good to start the week off with a super cute dress heading my way.

xoxo erica