DIY//Lace Cat Ears

 Every year my mother throws a "Witches Convention" party to celebrate Halloween. All the girls in my mom, grandma, aunts, cousins, sisters, and nieces all dress up either like a witch or black cat. We spend the entire evening talking, having a halloween themed dinner with a few drinks, and telling scary stories. It's been a fun party to look forward to every year. Most of the time I dress up like a black cat because hello! I'm a cat lady lol. This year I decided to try some lace cat ears.
Supplies: Headband, black lace, scissors, wire (mine are 5 inches long), glue gun, black nail polish, & felts (not pictured)
 1. Take a piece of wire and shape into the form of an ear.
 3. Layer: Wire, lace, and wire. Put dots of glue in certain spots to glue all the pieces together.
 4. Trim the lace.
 5. Glue and wrap the felt around the ends of your cat ear wire pieces to attach to the headband.
 6. Use the black polish to paint the wires black and cover up any dried glue.
All done :) Hope you get to try this if you need something cute for a party this weekend.

xoxo erica