Guest Post: Daniela from D, etc

Hi, Sea of Blooming Dreams readers ! I'm Daniela from D, etc  and I write a blog about personal style.

Today on my blog is a Friday night date out outfit from movies with my husband.

It's been pretty hot and humid around here lately, so I paired this breezy dress with a light blazer, perfect for just enough warmth in the over air conditioned theater. 

If you get a chance, stop by my blog for the rest of this post, or just to say Hello :)

Thanks to Erica for allowing me to guest post!


Thanks Daniela! Doesn't everyone just love this sneak peak of her outfit...such a cute little print on her dress and the drape on her blazer is just lovely right? Oh yeah she also has this amazing giveaway going on at her blog that I know you will I know you don't want to miss it! Make sure to check out her blog and show Daniela some love <3

xoxo erica