Sponsor Question of the Month: May

Every month I like to ask the sponsors a fun question so all of you can get to know them a bit better. This month I asked, Who is your dream celebrity best friend?
Here's what some of them had to say...

Can it be a TV character too? Then I think I'd go with Angela from Bones, so I could share her amaaaazing wardrobe!  I'd love her as a friend because she's so sweet and helpfull, and always finds the right words.

My dream celebrity best friend would be Emma Stone. She seems so down to earth and nice, not to mention absolutely hilarious! Emma, I'm totally available if you want to grab some fro-yo and laugh til it hurts! ;)

My dream celebrity best friend is.... Johnny Depp! I admire him not only as an actor but also as a person. If I could be friends with any celebrity or just meet them, it would be him..... Plus I think he's pretty cute ;) 

Last time, some of you were wondering my answer to the question so I decided I would answer it this time...

When I was younger my dream celebrity best friend or should I say friends were always Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen. What girl didn't love those two growing up? These days if I had to pick one celebrity to be my best friend I would go with Lauren Conrad. The girl has got some serious style, seems so sweet, and I pretty much love everything she does.

So now I want to know from you. 
Who is your dream celebrity best friend?

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Check out my rates here

xoxo erica

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