Guest Post: Sara from Build Castles in Air

Hey everyone, today I have Sara guest posting and telling you all about her lovely blog. Be sure to check her out after reading this...

Hi Sea of Blooming Dreams readers! This is Sara from Build Castles in Air!
I’m a Creative Writing graduate student in New York and I’m attempting to write my
very first novel. I also sell bookmarks and bracelets in my Etsy shop.
Anyway, I thought I’d give you all a little peek into my blog and what it’s all about.
I write about all sorts of fun things, like…




Inspired By…

Gift Guides…

Questioning the World…

& lots of inspiration!

I hope you’ll come by and say hello!
Thanks so much, Erica, for letting me guest post today!
It was so much fun!
P.S. – You can get 10% off at my shop with the code CASTLE10!

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Thanks so much Sara!
I hope you all get the chance to check her out and show her some love.

xoxo erica